- [email protected]
- 033 24216633
BRP ADHIKARY CHEMICALS PVT. LTD. is a Private incorporated on 22 May 2020. It is classified as Non – govt . company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Kolkata. Its authorized share capital is Rs. 1500000.00. BRP ADHIKARY CHEMICALS PVT. LTD . with CIN U24304WB2020PTC237221, is a 0.2 Years old, Private Un Listed Indian Non-Government Company, registered at Kolkata (West Bengal), with a paid up capital of Rs. 1500000.00 Lakhs. As per MCA and other Industry classification records, the main line of business is Manufacture and Trade of Chemicals and Chemical products.
The status of BRP ADHIKARY CHEMICALS PVT. LTD., as on date is active.
As on date, 2 directors and 1 signatories are associated with the company.
There are no directors in this company who are ‘Disqualified by ROC u/s 164 (2)‘ or ‘DIN is deactivated due to non-filling of DIR-3 KYC form‘ as everyone filed their KYC promptly.
The company has 2 directors and no reported reported key management personal. The longest serving directors currently on board are Rajib Adhikary and Nilanjana Adhikary who were appointed on 22 May, 2020. they have been on the board for 1 months.
Rajib Adhikary has the largest number of other directorships with a seat at a total of 1 companies. In total, the company is connected to 0 other companies through its directors.
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