Caustic Soda Flakes

Caustic Soda Flakes

Trade Marks and Synonyms (if any) Caustic Soda Flakes, Sodium Hydroxide Anhydrous
Chemical Names and Synonyms Sodium Hydroxide Anhydrous
Physical Form Solid, White flakes, odourless
Molecular Formula
Molecular Weight

Caustic soda flakes marketed by BRP ADHIKARY CHEMICALS PVT. LTD. is free from foreign matter, dirt or other visible impurities. The product is widely used in the textile, soaps and detergents, pulp and paper industries and in alumina refineries. Caustic soda flakes ( technical sodium hydroxide flakes ) – flake mass of white colour , very hygroscopic , very soluble in water and alcohol . The formula is NaOH Technical sodium hydroxide flakes are obtained evaporating of liquid caustic soda A grade .

The porduct is used in organic synthesis processes ,petroleum products refining , textile industry in production of viscose silk and in bleaching fabrics , in aluminum and sodium metal , soluble grass , alkaline accumulators , Trilon B .

Caustic soda flakes are transported by railway and motor transport 50 kg polypropylene bags , special soft containers with a maximum mass of 1,000 kg , 60 kg polyethylene barrels ( without the Insert ) are used for packaging the product .

Guaranteed shelf life of the product is 1 year from the manufacture date .

Industrial application


Caustic soda reacts with bauxite to dissolve aluminium-bearing minerals in the ore so that insoluble impurities can be separated . The purified alumina is than used to produce aluminium.

Chemical processing

Caustic soda is commonly used as a regent in chemical reaction .

Home and personal care

Caustic soda is used in the saponification reaction to manufacture soap . In detergent it is a part of the process of neutralisation of LAB .

Petroleum products

Caustic soda solution is used in the exploration, production and processing of petroleum and natural gas . It is also used as an adsorbent for carbon dioxide in light petroleum fractions ; a treatment step in removal of various sulphur compounds .

Pulp and paper

caustic soda solution is used in the pulping and bleaching process and de-inking of waste paper .


Caustic soda forms an important input in the steel industry . It is used to clean steel .


Caustic soda solution is used to process cotton and dye synthetic fibres such as nylon and polyester . Merceising of fibre with sodium and hydroxide solution provides greater tensional strength and consistent lustre . It removes waxes and oils from the fibre to make it more receptive to bleaching and dying . In rayon it is used during the viscose process to extract cellulose from pulp .

Water purification

Caustic soda solution is used in the treatment of water by regenerating the anion resin bed . It is used on a large scale in DM plants .

Main Risk
Contact with skin Causes burns
Contact with eyes Severe damage
Safety Phrases Keep out of reach of children.
In case of contact with eye, wash immediately with plenty of
water for 15-20 minutes. Seek medical aid.
Remove contaminated clothes & shoes. Wash affected area with
plenty of water. If inhaled, remove the victim to fresh air area &
support respiration.
Seek Medical Aid immediately for all types of exposure.

Appearance and Odour Solid, White flakes, odourless
pH Not Applicable
Specific Gravity 0.7 – 0.8 gm/cc at 25 °C
Melting Point 318 °C
Boiling Point 1390 °C
Flash Point Not pertinent
Auto ignition Not pertinent
Flammable Limit Not pertinent
Vapour Pressure (mm Hg) Not pertinent
Solubility in Water 100 % soluble
Solubility in Organic Solvents Soluble in alcohol, Methanol and Glycerol
Oxidizing /Explosive Properties No

Stability As supplied it is stable at normal temperature & pressure. When
exposed to air, it absorbs moisture.
Conditions to avoid Avoid contact with water.Direct contact with water may cause
exothermic reaction.Carbon monoxide gas may form upon contact
with reducing sugars, food and beverage products in enclosed spaces.
Material to avoid Water, Acids, Halogenated compounds, prolonged contact with
aluminium, brass, bronze, copper, lead,tin, zinc or other alkali
sensitive metals or alloys, Nitro methane & Nitro compounds.
Air Reactive
Water Highly hygroscopic
Acids Reactive
Alkalis Reactive
Hazardous Decomposition Products Not Known.

Exposure Limits
Acute Toxicity
Chronic Toxicity
Carcinogenic Toxicity
Mutagenic Toxicity
Reproductive Toxicity
2 mg / m3 OSHA TWA
2 mg / m3 OSHA ceiling
2 mg / m3 ACGIH ceiling
2 mg / m3 MEXICO peak
LD50 (Dermal – Rabbit) 1350 mg/ kg
LD50 (50 % solution Oral – Rat) 220 mg/ kg
Chronic effects are due to long – term irritation. Dermatitis on the
skin or recurrent corneal ulceration and visual disturbances. In rare
cases reports have noted long-term inhalation causes bronchial
inflammatory reaction or obstructive airway dysfunction
No Data available
No information is available.

Skin Contact Wash the affected area with plenty of water and soap.Seek medical
Eye Contact Wash with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes. Seek medical Aid
Inhalation Remove the victim from exposure. Support respiration, gives oxygen
if necessary
Ingestion Give water or milk followed by dilute vinegar or fruit juice. Do not
induce vomiting. If in doubt seek medical attention immediately.

Fire Extinguishing Data Non combustible material
On combustion emit fumes of sodium oxide .Do not use water. Use
extinguishing agents appropriate for surrounding fire. Move
containers from fire area if it can be done without risk.
Would any material saturated
with this product be subject
to spontaneous combustion?
Fire Fighting Protective
Unusual Fire and Explosive Hazards
Wear full protective clothing, goggles, masks
During a fire in which this material is involved, Na2O may be
liberated. Shovel dry material into suitable container. Keep out of
water supplies and sewers. This material is alkaline and may raise the
pH of surface water with low buffering capacity.

Handling Store in a cool, dry and well-ventilated place. Keep containers
closed. Keep away from heat, sparks and flames. Use only with
adequate ventilation.
Avoid contact with eyes, skin or clothing.
Storage Store and handle in accordance with all current regulations and
standards. Keep container tightly closed and properly labeled. Do not
store in aluminium container or use aluminium fittings or transfer
lines , as flammable hydrogen gas may be generated. Keep separated
from incompatible substances. The filled container is kept on
wooden pallets.

Spillage Do not touch spilled material. Prevent it entering sewers. Dry
manual lifting of the spilled material is suggested without making
dust Wash the surface with plenty of water and soap.
Personal Precautions Avoid generation of dust. Avoid eyes & skin contact. Avoid
inhalation. Avoid ingestion. Wear appropriate personal protective
Environmental Precautions Prevent contamination of soil and water.

Bio – Accumulation No bio-accumulation
This material is inorganic and not subject to biodegradation.
This material will exist in the dissociated state
Toxicity This material has exhibited slight toxicity to terrestrial organisms and
moderate toxicity to aquatic flora & fauna.
Mobility If released in water the product is highly soluble and contaminates the
water resources.

Safety Phrases S2: Keep out of the reach of children.
S14/15: Keep away from 1,2,4,5-tetrachlorobenzene and acetic acid
and its derivatives & heat.
S22/23: Do not breathe dust, do not breathe gas /fumes/vapor/spray
S24/S25:Avoid contact with skin, eyes.
S26:In case of contact with eyes ,rinse immediately with plenty o
water and seek medical advice.
S27: Take off immediately all contaminated clothing.
S28: After contact with skin ,wash immediately with plenty of water
and soap.
S36/37/39: Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face
S45: In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice
immediately and show the label where possible
S46:If swallowed, seek medical advice immediately and show this
label or container.
S61: Avoid release to the environment
S62: If swallowed, do not induce vomiting; seek medical advice
immediately and show the label.

UN No. & Symbols 1823, “ Corrosive Substance”
Proper Shipping Name
Hazard Class or Division
Packing Group
Sodium hydroxide solid
Labeling Requirements SODIUM HYDROXIDE SOLID


Product Specification

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